Healthier Somerset’s Bound Brooks Initiative (BBI) seeks to make Bound Brook and South Bound Brook healthier communities. After the initiative launched in November, the BBI Leadership Team, consisting of American Lung Association of New Jersey; Family and Community Health Sciences of Rutgers Cooperative Extension; Middle-Brook Regional Health Commission; Middle Earth; and Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset, began a series of focus groups and key informant interviews designed to provide a deeper understanding of community resources and concerns.
Focus groups included adult Latino populations, long-time residents, and parents of children enrolled in local K-12 public schools. Key informant interviews included health providers, elected officials, public school administrators, law enforcement, and social service nonprofit organizations.
Based on feedback from these initiatives and from information gained at the November community launch, the team has developed a survey for residents of the community. It is available in both English and Spanish, and is posted on the Healthier Somerset website here as well as municipal websites and distributed at the public libraries and through community organizations.
The survey asks the respondents’ feelings about safety, transportation, community services, food and nutrition, schools, and health and healthcare.
Another community event is planned for Friday, February 24 in conjunction with Middle Earth’s Family Movie Night. A free showing of the movie “Trolls” and a light dinner are available for residents who attend. Attendees will be asked to complete the survey while they are at the event, which will be held at Smalley Elementary School at 6 p.m.
Survey responses are scheduled to be completed by March 13. This information, along with the remaining focus groups and key informant interviews, will give us valuable information to help us gain a better understanding of the key elements needed to build bridges to better health in Bound Brook and South Bound Brook.