Making Bound Brook & South Bound Brook
Healthier & Stronger Communities
Working to make SOMERSET the
HEALTHIEST County in New Jersey
"Building Bridges to Better Health" is working towards more school-based programs.
Expanded School-Based Programs
"Building Bridges to Better Health" is working towards more school-based programs.
Bound Brook High School (which also serves South Bound Brook) opened a Behavioral Health Center with a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) to address mental health needs.
Safe+Sound Somerset is coordinating trainings on trauma-informed practice for teachers, and workshops on healthy relationships for students.
The AWARE committee focuses on mental health at the high school. They host workshops for students, families, and teachers, and held a Mental Health Fair in 2019 with 35 agencies.
The communities see schools as trusted places. Schools in Bound Brook and South Bound Brook are enthusiastic partners in promoting health and well-being. They are eager to support and host programs and services to achieve these goals. These include programs to help schools address trauma and other challenges that students face.
Performance Goals
The Bound Brook and South Bound Brook School Districts will have functional health and wellness committees, adopted quantitative and goal-based health and wellness strategic plans along with corresponding implementation strategies.
Every student in the Bound Brook and South Bound Brook School Districts will have access to affordable and timely physical and mental health care, including routine preventive care, specialty physical care, routine preventive dental care, routine vision care and acute and sub-acute mental health care as needed.