Making Bound Brook & South Bound Brook
Healthier & Stronger Communities
Working to make SOMERSET the
HEALTHIEST County in New Jersey

Agape House
(908) 707-9753
60-bed shelter providing temporary housing and case management to homeless families and individuals. Volunteers of America Delaware Valley provides community-based assistance to populations in need so that they can lead self-fulfilled, independent lives.
Services: Health, Food, Housing, Education, Work, Youth, Transportation
Shelter residents receive 24-hour staff support and supervision, case management, transportation, child enrichment, life skill workshops, referrals to health insurance and mental health treatment, support with employment and education, and supplemental food, clothing, and household items.
Location: 122-128 East Main Street, Somerville, NJ 08876
Alternatives, Inc.
(908) 685-1444 ext. 279
Enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities, those experiencing homelessness, and others benefiting from services. Alternatives, Inc. provides comprehensive services to individuals and families with special needs enabling them to reach their highest level of independence and integration into the community.
Services: Health, Housing, Work
Behavioral Supports
Mental Health Services
Transitional Housing
Career Planning
Pre-vocational Training
Supported Employment
Location: Bound Brook Library (monthly drop-in hours), 402 E High Street, Bound Brook
Bound Brook Library
(908) 458-8410
Somerset County Library System of New Jersey partners with you to connect, to explore, to share and to discover. Our vision is to work together to enrich lives, expand knowledge and strengthen communities.
Services: Health, Education, Work, Youth, Seniors
Borrowing books, movies, museum passes, and more.
Programs and events for all ages, including healthy eating classes for kids, Senos Sanos (Healthy Breasts), and Importance of Saving for the Future for Small Businesses and Employees
Location: 402 E High Street, Bound Brook
Community Child Care Solutions
(908) 927-0869
Community Child Care Solutions is the child care resource for families, child care professionals and the community in Somerset and Middlesex counties.
Services: Education, Work, Youth
Information and referrals for families seeking financial help to afford quality child care. We understand that all children and families are unique and are here to help you find a child care program that best fits your needs. There are many types of child care to choose from, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Community Child Care Solutions offers parent information and education through seminars, conferences, written materials, consultation, online resources and newsletters. Eligible families can receive help paying for child care.
Location: 86 E. Main St., Somerville, NJ 08876
Guide to Human Services Resources
Online resource guide from the Somerset County Department of Human Services.
Services: Health, Food, Housing, Education, Work, Youth, Seniors, Transportation
Includes hotlines and local resources for mental health, substance abuse, food, health/medical, employment, housing/shelter, financial assistance, legal services, transportation, youth services, senior services, disability services, and more.
Guide to Mental Health Services
Online resource guide from the Somerset County Department of Human Services.
Services: Health, Food, Housing, Work, Youth, Seniors
Includes hotlines and local resources for addiction services, outpatient counseling, inpatient services, housing/food emergencies, employment and financial assistance, developmental disabilities, youth services, senior services, dental/medical emergencies, legal services, and more.
Guide to Substance Use Resources
Online resource guide from the Somerset County Department of Human Services.
Services: Health, Food, Housing, Work, Youth, Seniors, Transportation
Includes hotlines and local resources for support, assessment, detox, outpatient and residential services, transitional housing, and more.
Guide to Youth Services
Online resource guide from the Somerset County Office of Youth Services.
Services: Health, Food, Housing, Education, Work, Youth, Transportation
Includes hotlines and local resources for mental health, substance abuse, employment, housing, recreation, developmental/learning disabilities, pregnancy, abuse and neglect, specialized health/medical services, specialized schools, and more.
Interfaith Hospitality Network
(908) 704-1920
The Interfaith Hospitality Network of Somerset County serves homeless families with children in a three-phase approach to combat homelessness. Religious congregations and volunteers are the backbone of the agency, providing shelter, meals, financial support and advocacy. Throughout the process, families receive expert case management and support services from a dedicated staff of social workers and mental health counselors.
Services: Food, Housing, Work
Services include emergency shelter, transitional housing, life skills training, counseling, job skills, and more.
Location: 98 West End Avenue, Somerville, NJ 08876
(908) 725-7799
JFS is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian social service agency whose purpose is to preserve and strengthen the quality of individual, family and community life based on Jewish values.
Services: Health, Work, Youth
Mental Health Counseling
Career Counseling
Expanding Horizons (Special Needs Programs)
Family Mentor Program
Location: 150-A West High St., Somerville
Lion's Gate Ministries
(732) 261-8172
Lion’s Gate Ministries exists to launch at-risk young adults and families toward healthy and successful independence by providing environmental, emotional, social, intellectual, physical and spiritual support services.
Services: Health, Housing, Education, Work, Youth
Housing assistance, vocational training, life skills education, counseling, mentoring, healthy habits, and more.
Location: 215 Piedmont Drive, Bound Brook NJ 08805
Literacy Volunteers of Somerset County
(908) 725-5430
Literacy Volunteers of Somerset County (LVSC) recruits and trains volunteers to help local adults improve their ability to read, write, and communicate in English so that they may function more effectively in their daily lives.
Services: Education, Work
One-to-One & Small Group Literacy Tutoring
Beginner English Class
English Conversation Groups
U.S. Citizenship Preparation Classes
Location: Bound Brook Library
Middle Earth
(908) 725-7223
Middle Earth builds trusting relationships with youth to help them make positive decisions, obtain marketable skills for employment, volunteer, improve academics, learn respect, and connect with more services, if needed.
Services: Education, Work, Youth
Community Youth Center
Youth College Readiness
Leadership Program
After-School Program
Lunch-Time Mentoring
Locations: Bound Brook Community Youth Center (Codrington Park Field House) | Bound Brook High School |. Community Middle School |. Lafayette School | Smalley School
(908) 454-7000
Norwescap is dedicated to creating opportunities and changing lives for thousands of low-income individuals and families in Northwest New Jersey.
Services: Health, Food, Housing, Education, Work, Youth, Seniors
Services include:
Education (services for young children, youth, and adults)
Employment (training, skill-building, job search)
Health (WIC, access to doctors and dentists, prenatal support, health education, and food access)
Housing (help finding and paying for housing, utility bills)
Location: 120 Finderne Ave # 4, Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Richard Hall Community Mental Health Center
Access Center: (908) 253-3165
Comprehensive community mental health center dedicated to the prevention, early detection, and treatment of mental illness and serious emotional and behavioral problems.
Services: Health, Education, Work, Youth
Outpatient mental health and substance use disorder counseling for adults, adolescents, and children; intensive programming for adults with co-occurring disorders (mental health/substance abuse); traumatic loss consultation and outreach; school liaison services; adult partial care; supported employment and outreach programming for the mentally ill; and treatment for perpetrators of domestic violence. ​
Location: 500 N. Bridge St., Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Salvation Army
(732) 748-1146
The Salvation Army New Jersey Division provides social and spiritual services to communities. We are committed to serving the whole person, body, soul and spirit, with integrity and respect, The Salvation Army uses creative solutions to positively transform lives.
Services: Health, Food, Housing, Work, Youth, Seniors
Food pantry on Wednesdays from 9-11 AM.
We also provide a rehabilitation program, therapy, skills & training.
Location: 108 Hamilton Street, Bound Brook
Somerset County Board of Social Services
(908) 526-8800
Administers public assistance programs for county residents, provides for basic human needs, and promotes self-sufficiency and the preservation of families.
Services: Health, Food, Housing, Work
Financial Assistance programs including Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) / Work First NJ (WFNJ), SNAP (food stamps), General Assistance, Medicaid, and Emergency Assistance. Temporary emergency shelter, as well as assistance with rent, security deposits or utilities, can also be provided for certain homeless persons who are not recipients of the above programs.
Location: 73 East High Street, Somerville, NJ 08876
Somerville YMCA
(908) 722-4567
The YMCA is so much more than a “swim and gym.” It is a powerful association of men, women, and children joined together by a shared commitment to nurture the potential of kids, improve health and well-being, and foster a sense of social responsibility.
Services: Health, Education, Work, Youth, Seniors
We provide a lap pool, fitness center, gymnasium, a wide variety of fitness classes, an early childhood education and child care center, enrichment classes for children, gymnastics, swim lessons, senior exercise classes and a vibrant summer camp program. We also have a volunteer-led Career Forum Program that provides professional networking and job-search skills.
Locations: Smalley School | Somerville YMCA: 2 Green St, Somerville