Making Bound Brook & South Bound Brook
Healthier & Stronger Communities
Working to make SOMERSET the
HEALTHIEST County in New Jersey
Bound Brook is an historic borough of approximately 1.6 square miles and 10,400 residents -- a great place to live, work and play. First settled in 1681, Bound Brook is located along the Raritan River, in the northeastern corner of Somerset County. It sits between two brooks -- the Middlebrook to the west along its border with Bridgewater, and the Green Brook (also referred to as the Bound Brook) to the east along its border with Middlesex Borough and Middlesex County.
The borough has much to offer. Its size is optimal -- small enough to retain a "small town" flavor, and with its own downtown, but within easy travel distance of all the educational, cutural, economic and transportation resources of the Newark/New York metropolitan area. Bound Brook is conveniently located along the Raritan Valley Line passenger railroad, which runs to Newark and New York City, as well as Interstate 287, State Highway Route 22, and Route 28/Union Avenue.
South Bound Brook is a borough of 4,600 residents along the Delaware and Raritan Canal in Somerset County, NJ.
The main downtown street, known as Main Street, has been refurbished with new sidewalks, lighting, signage, and a number of newly renovated stores.
The two towns are separated by the Raritan River and the Delaware and Raritan Canal. In between the two bodies of water lies the Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park. The park is one of central New Jersey's most popular places for walking, biking, fishing, and canoeing. The Queens Bridge crosses the canal and river, connecting the towns.
Residents in both towns highly value health and well-being, although achieving it seems too expensive for many. When asked what residents do to "get and stay healthy", many talked about walking in town and along the canal path. In general, residents in both towns view their communities very positively and have a strong sense of civic pride.