Making Bound Brook & South Bound Brook
Healthier & Stronger Communities
Working to make SOMERSET the
HEALTHIEST County in New Jersey

The "Building Bridges to Better Health" movement is working to make Bound Brook and South Bound Brook healthier and stronger communities.
Building Bridges to Better Health
"Building Bridges to Better Health" is a collaborative project to make Bound Brook and South Bound Brook healthier and stronger communities.
Our partners include local officials, community organizations, schools, churches, and businesses, and the project is coordinated by the Healthier Somerset coalition.
Culture of Health
The leadership team was guided by the ten principles of a Culture of Health developed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (see below). Our project strives to improve the health and well-being of all residents in Bound Brook and South Bound Brook, with a particular emphasis on two populations that currently face more challenges to health, namely senior citizens and lower-income Latinos.
10 Underlying Principles
1. Good health flourishes across geographic, demographic, and social sectors.
2. Attaining the best health possible is valued by our entire society.
3. Individuals and families have the means and the opportunity to make choices.
4. Business, government, individuals, and organizations work together to build healthy communities.
5. No one is excluded.
6. Everyone has access to affordable, quality health care.
7. Health care is efficient and equitable.
8. The economy is less burdened by excessive and unwarranted health care spending.
9. Keeping everyone as healthy as possible guides public and private decision-making.
10. We understand that we are all in this together.